Host Research Groups
Nonlinear dynamical phenomena are increasingly relevant in engineering systems. While methods to analyse them exist, they are often complex, time-intensive, and impractical for industrial applications. As a result, these phenomena are frequently overlooked, leading to hazardous situations and accidents across various disciplines.
Our vision is to develop analytical and numerical tools for the efficient and reliable detection of dangerous dynamical phenomena that are otherwise difficult to predict. We aim to make these tools accessible and practical for engineers, transforming their design processes to create safer and more optimized engineering systems.
A key focus of our research is local stability — the ability of a system to withstand small perturbations while remaining vulnerable to larger ones. One of our primary goals is to develop practical methods to identify the largest perturbation that does not result in undesired behavior.
Application and impact:
We develop algorithms for the analysis of systems’ global dynamics, with a special focus on dynamical integrity, which is strictly related to safety. In this respect, we try to empower engineers with tools to design safer systems, across different disciplines.
Primary field of science:
6. Engineering Sciences
Focusing on:
6.3. Mechanical engineering
Particular area(s) of research:
Nonlinear dynamics
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
September 2027
MTA–BME Lendület "Momentum" Global Dynamics Research Group
We deal with fundamental research modelling and industrial research of machine tools, which are a cornerstone of our technologically driven society. The main focus of the research group to prepare for the need of the manufacturing industry describe special behaviour of new machining solutions.
There is current trend of machine tool building of using lightweight structural elements or introducing industrial robots for machining applications. Moreover, reducing mass for other e.g. avionic applications results in weaker, thinner more flexible part features that are more prone to vibration during manufacturing. Current mechanical design methodologies for slender structures are insufficient as the load-induced displacement ranges place the problem firmly in the domain of nonlinear dynamics.
The research group’s main aim is to provides data-driven mathematical base to overcome the barriers present in nonlinear dynamics description of machine tools.
Application and impact:
We conduct fundamental research, modelling, and industrial studies on machine tools, which are essential to our technology-driven society.
Our research group primarily focuses on anticipating the needs of the manufacturing industry and analysing the specialized behaviour of innovative machining solutions.
Primary field of science:
6. Engineering Sciences
Focusing on:
6.3. Mechanical engineering
Particular area(s) of research:
Machine Tool Vibrations
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2028
MTA–BME Lendület "Momentum" Machine Tool Vibration Research Group
The main purpose of our group is to develop quantum chemical methods which have the potential to provide the solution of the electronic Schrödinger-equation with high accuracy for systems containing several hundreds of atoms both at around their equilibrium geometry and at distorted structures. The work in this direction proceeds along three separate but interrelated tracks. First, we focus on the acceleration of local correlation calculations using explicitly correlated techniques. Second, the same problem is tackled on another front: combined local correlation-density functional theory (DFT) approximations are developed invoking range-separation and embedding techniques. Third, another major concern is the development and implementation of new multi-reference local correlation methods.
Application and impact:
Our work may open up new opportunities not only for theoretical chemistry but also for various disciplines that study medium-sized or large molecules. These include organic chemistry, biochemistry, and polymer science. In these fields, the new methods will enable accurate calculations for significantly larger molecules than currently possible.
Primary field of science:
7. Chemical Sciences
Focusing on:
7.1. Chemical sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Quantum chemistry
Budapest, Hungary
Final month for hosting:
November 2027
MTA–BME Lendület "Momentum" Quantum Chemistry Research Group
Our team explores and engineers nanocircuits operating in the Quantum regime. We use novel materials with low dimensionality for these devices: 1D semiconducting nanowires and 2D van der Waals heterostructures assembled for individual layers of 2D materials. Based on these material systems we engineer hybrid nanoelectronic devices using superconducting, ferromagnetic or simple normal electrodes. The nanodevices exhibit novel, correlated or topological effects, like Cooper pair splitting, Kondo effect, Andreev bound states, special quantum Hall effects, Majorana bound states or special spin-orbit states.
Application and impact:
Foundation of future electronics, design and realize novel artificial nanostructures for electronics
Primary field of science:
11. Physical Sciences
Focusing on:
6.8. Nano-technology
Particular area(s) of research:
novel qubit concepts, quantum transport, 2D materials, spintronics, topology and correlations
Final month for hosting:
August 2027
MTA–BME Lendület "Momentum" Superconducting Nanoelectronics Research Group
Closing the product life cycle through recycling and reuse is essential for transitioning to a circular economy. The Sustainable Polymers Research Group tackles challenges in creating a circular economy for polymers, focusing on production, repair and monitoring during use, and recycling with functional redesign at end-of-life. It develops recyclable thermoset polymers and vitrimers for high-performance composites, self-reinforced composites from ε-caprolactam, and durable composite structures by enhancing non-destructive testing, integrating sensors for monitoring, incorporating healing and repair for lifespan extension. While mechanical recycling of thermoplastics is well-established, the group identifies sustainable recycling methods for hard-to-recycle polymers, including innovative polymers and fibre reinforcements. It addresses downcycling by advancing safe-by-design recycled and recyclable polymers and composites, focusing on upcycling and modelling to predict their properties.
Application and impact:
The research group made substantial progress in closing the loop in the lifecycle of polymer systems. By developing recyclable polymers, extending the lifespan of polymer composites, innovating recycling methods, it contributes to reducing the environmental impact of polymers and opens new pathways for sustainable, high-performance applications.
Primary field of science:
6. Engineering Sciences
Focusing on:
6.4. Materials engineering
Particular area(s) of research:
Smart, multifunctional polymer composites and coatings, including flame retardancy composites from renewable sources and designed for recycling and vitrimers interfacially engineered and pseudo-ductile composites novel test methods for non-destructive testing of composites.
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2028
MTA–BME Lendület "Momentum" Sustainable Polymers Research Group
Primary field of science:
7. Chemical Sciences
Focusing on:
7.1. Chemical sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Molecular quantum mechanics
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2029
MTA–ELTE "Momentum" Molecular Quantum Electrodynamics Research Group
We are working on problems related to nice (definable) infinite graphs and their connections to large finite ones
Application and impact:
Our research is theoretical in nature, however a better understanding of infinite definable graphs might lead to better models of distributed computing, which, in turn has seen numerous applications.
Primary field of science:
3. Mathematics
Focusing on:
3.1. Mathematics
Particular area(s) of research:
descriptive set theory and its applications
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
September 2027
MTA–ELTE Lendület "Momentum" Borel Combinatorics and Complexity Research Group
The Copper Age was a time of innovation, marked by innovations such as metallurgy, the wheel, and the plough, shaping Europe’s history. Our multidisciplinary project uses 21st-century archaeological methods to explore how social relations influenced the spread of knowledge and innovation. We study these transformative changes from the individual level by combining biosocial archaeology, technological research, and social network analysis implemented in a GIS system.
The Carpathian Basin, connecting South-Eastern and Central Europe, is ideal for examining these dynamics. Early to Middle Copper Age communities (4500–3700 BCE) lived in dense networks with formal cemeteries containing richly furnished graves. Although the Early Copper Age marked the peak of metallurgy, evidence suggests these objects were not locally produced. Our analysis highlights the social links enabling access to valuable goods and technologies, revealing the exchange mechanisms that shaped innovation in the region.
Application and impact:
The Momentum Innovation Research Group uses a multidisciplinary approach to investigate how different social relations between individuals and communities influenced the spread of innovation in the Copper Age. Therefore, it can contribute to a better understanding of the importance of non-formal learning and teaching in the spread of innovation.
Primary field of science:
2. Philosophy and Historical Sciences
Focusing on:
2.1. History and archaeology
Particular area(s) of research:
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
November 2027
Zsuzsanna Siklósi, research group leader
MTA–ELTE Lendület "Momentum" Innovation Research Group
The aim of our research group is to study electrocatalytic processes (electrolytic water splitting, carbon dioxide and nitrate reduction, galvanic metal deposition) that form the core of many modern technologies, especially in energy storage. With a strong background in fundamental electrochemistry, instrumentation and computation science, our group is composed of physical chemists, engineers and mathematicians developing theoretical and experimental methods, as well as automated measurement systems for studying the mechanism of electrocatalytic processes. As part of an international network of cooperating researchers, our work is mostly focused on unravelling the effects of material transport and pH shifts on the kinetics of electrode processes, both in model systems and industrial level electrolyser platforms.
Application and impact:
Focusing on electrocatalytic reactions of prime technological importance (CO2 and nitrate reduction, electrochemical water splitting, metal deposition) our small group of dedicated researchers combines experiments with computations, contributing to the knowledge-driven development of future energy storage technologies.
Primary field of science:
7. Chemical Sciences
Focusing on:
7.1. Chemical sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2027
MTA–ELTE Lendület "Momentum" Interfacial Electrochemistry Research Group
The main research interest of the research group is to understand the nature and main mechanisms of human social cognition, especially, how human memory and theory of mind operates and develops.
We do research in these fields, and also guides students in discovering them. We focus our research on how social partners who are ‘experts’ in such environment modulate the emergence of cognitive capacities through actively stipulating the learning processes of the novice.
Application and impact:
Our experimental research on the development of event and episodic memory could inform applied fields, like psychotherapy and legal procedures, by developing preventive protocols in order to promote the reliable application of metamemory processes resulting in improved retrieval accuracy.
Primary field of science:
2. Philosophy and Historical Sciences
Focusing on:
2.3. Psychology
Particular area(s) of research:
Cognitive development
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
May 2028
MTA–ELTE Lendület "Momentum" Social Minds Research Group
The Momentum Bioarchaeology Research Team adopts an interdisciplinary approach focusing on the north-eastern region of the Roman Province of Pannonia. The research aims first to uncover and understand the biological composition and the dynamics of the population changes during the Roman era, taking into account the interrelations of its subgroups and social strata. Secondly, it investigates and gathers evidence about the living conditions, life quality, and health of the Roman and Romanized inhabitants across various settlement types (city, castellum, and village).
This is achieved through detailed anthropological, genomic, and stable isotopic analyses of residents from Aquincum (Óbuda), Solva (Esztergom), and Páty, in conjunction with archaeological hypotheses and inquiries. To gain insights into the lives of the Pannonian people, the project also utilizes archaeozoological and genetic research on domesticated animals, such as horses and camels.
Application and impact:
The bioarchaeological study of Northeast Pannonian communities provides a model for understanding similar processes across the Roman Empire. Through publications, educational materials, and science communication, the knowledge of the Roman Empire can be significantly enriched for experts and the public alike.
Primary field of science:
8. Biological Sciences
Focusing on:
8.1. Biological sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
This is multi- and interdisciplinary reasearch. Archaeogenetics, anthropology (bioarchaeology), isotope research and archaeology are all represented in the team.
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
November 2028
Anna Szécsényi-Nagy, PI of the research group, director of the Institute of Archaeogenomics
MTA–HUN-REN BTK "Momentum" Bioarchaeology Research Group
Our research group conducts integrative field, data-driven and experimental studies on river ecosystems, with a particular focus on pelagic functional groups. We particularly focus on the middle Danube and Tisza Valley oxbow lakes in Hungary. We analyse the structure, biodiversity, and functioning of large river and lake communities using the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning (BEF) relationship as a central ecological theorem. Our primary objectives include taxonomic and functional analyses of the river food web and characterising ecological relationships among its components. We also investigate visual ecology and study ecological processes at key interfaces, such as benthos-plankton and river water-land. By understanding the functioning of riverine communities, we aim to predict better their response to climate change, ecological invasions, and human disturbances.
Application and impact:
By understanding the functioning of aquatic communities, we aim to predict better their response to climate change, ecological invasions, and human disturbances.
Primary field of science:
8. Biological Sciences
Focusing on:
8.1. Biological sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Aquatic ecology, community ecology, biodiversity research
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
November 2028
MTA–HUN-REN CER "Momentum" Fluvial Ecology Research Group
In this Lendület project, our team develop new tools to comprehend the elusive dark energy component by using state-of-the-art galaxy and quasar survey data sets. We probe the growth rate of structure in extreme environments near density peaks traced by powerful quasars, as well as in dark and empty voids. In particular, we study in detail how dark energy stretches the largest cosmic superclusters and the vast voids, spanning about 300 million light-years, leaving smoking-gun evidence in the form of secondary hot and cold spots on CMB temperature/lensing anisotropy maps.
We will entertain an emerging new hypothesis that recently reported cosmological anomalies, concerning the delicate balance of expansion and structure growth, might be explained if the expansion of the Universe is inhomogeneous, in contrast with the core assumption of the concordance model.
Application and impact:
We carry out fundamental research with no direct applications. However, we promote open science, citizen science, diversity of ideas and people, which all contribute to building more equitable societies.
Primary field of science:
11. Physical Sciences
Focusing on:
11.1. Physical sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Cosmology, large-scale structure of the Universe, cosmic microwave background, dark matter, dark energy, galaxy surveys
Budapest, Hungary
Final month for hosting:
December 2027
MTA–HUN-REN CSFK Lendület "Momentum" Large-scale Structure Research Group
Investigate how nuclear reactions in stars produce the chemical elements and their isotope. Compare model predictions to stellar abundances and the composition of meteorites.
Application and impact:
We provide the link between nuclear physics, astrophysics, and cosmochemistrtry to understand the origin of the chemical matter from which stars, planets and life in the Universe are created.
Primary field of science:
11. Physical Sciences
Focusing on:
11.1. Physical sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Nuclear astrophysics and cosmochemistry
Budapest Hungary
Final month for hosting:
August 2028
Maria Lugaro, PhD, DSc; Marco Pignatari, PhD
MTA–HUN-REN CSFK Lendület "Momentum" Nuclear Burning in Stars Research Group
Launched in December 2024, the research group aims to better understand why and how volcanoes erupt. High-resolution chemical and textural studies of crystals in volcanic rocks are carried out to reveal processes in subvolcanic magma reservoirs across the lithosphere and the conditions for magma generation in the upper mantle. Petrological monitoring and zircon petrochronology are used to study magmatic processes, their duration and the timing of eruptions, and to correlate scattered volcanic occurrences. The Carpathian-Pannonian region, with its diverse magmas and 20 million years of volcanic history, serves as an excellent natural laboratory for such research. Studying these volcanic rocks provides insights into deep magmatic processes and helps to understand the signals that precede eruptions. Research focuses on both outcropping volcanic formations and drill-cores from buried volcanic deposits in the Pannonian Basin as well as active volcanoes abroad.
Application and impact:
Volcanic hazards are increasing in the 21st century due to rapidly growing populations. The research group advances the understanding why and how volcanoes work, contributing to better knowledge of eruption dynamics and their precursors based on studying diverse magmatic systems in the Carpathian-Pannonian region and beyond.
Primary field of science:
10. Earth Sciences
Focusing on:
10.1. Earth and related environmental sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Volcanology, petrology, petrogenesis, tephrochronology
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2029
MTA–HUN-REN CSFK Lendület "Momentum" Pannonian Volcano Research Group
Our group focuses on the exploration of topological 2D electron systems, on the atomic scale.
Application and impact:
Our group explores novel topological and correlated electron systems, aiming to better inderstand quantum phenomena that could drive a transformative technological revolution. By studying tunable platforms like van der Waals 2D materials, we advance the foundations for future quantum electronic applications.
Primary field of science:
11. Physical Sciences
Focusing on:
11.1. Physical sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Condensed matter research, nanotechnology, correlated electron systems, band topology
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2029
MTA–HUN-REN EK "Momentum" Topology in Nanomaterials Research Group
Fluids (volatile substances such as CO2, H2O, SO2, H2S, CO, CH4, noble gases, etc.) play a fundamental role in the formation, maintenance and termination of geologic processes and climate. In addition to the obvious fluid-containing potential of the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, current scientific knowledge indicates that the solid and the deeper Earth spheres (e.g. the astenosphere) are also characterised by a significant and complex fluid capacity.
The major goal of the FluidsByDepth Lendület (Momentum) Research Group is to describe fluid generations along the lithosphere on the basis of fluid inclusion-based research on xenoliths in Central Pannonian Basin, moreover, our major planned achievement is to model fluid/rock equilibrium, hydromechanic- chemical numeric modelling to unravel the details of CO2-rich fluid transport from the deep to the shallow lithosphere (or atmosphere).
Application and impact:
The challenge is to estimate the CO2 (and other naturally occurring greenhouse gases) flux by mantle degassing process for the Carpathian-Pannonian region. For this, we apply numerical models covering the past ~15-20 million years by relying on fluid inclusion data from deep lithospheric rocks and groundwater compositions.
Primary field of science:
10. Earth Sciences
Focusing on:
10.1. Earth and related environmental sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Geochemistry: fluid inclusion research. Geophysics: numerical modeling, magnetotelluric analyses, volcanology.
Hungary: Sopron and Budapest
Final month for hosting:
September 2027
MTA–HUN-REN FI Lendület "Momentum" FluidsByDepth Research Group
We are interested in the neural basis of cognition. We are investigating how the neural networks within and across brain areas form specialized systems underlying brain functions. We use Research_confocal1behavioral studies, electrophysiology, optogenetics, quantitative data analysis and modelling. Our main goals are
-To understand the role of different brain regions in cognitive functions.
-To reveal how different cell types participate in these functions.
-To use disease models to test whether our findings can form the basis of future clinical studies.
Application and impact:
We have been working towards understanding the normal mechanisms of learning and memory as well as its diseases, focusing on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. We revealed specific aspects of the cholinergic system that may inform novel therapeutical approaches in the future.
Primary field of science:
8. Biological Sciences
Focusing on:
8.1. Biological sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Budapest, Hungary
Final month for hosting:
August 2029
MTA–HUN-REN KOKI "Momentum" Laboratory of Systems Neuroscience
The Laboratory of Thalamus Research has been established in 2003 with a special focus on understanding the roles of non-sensory thalamus. Our work in the past two decades have indicated that a critical component of thalamic organization is the vast complexity and heterogeneity of its afferents. We use advanced morphological and physiological methods to decipher the role of region specific thalamic inputs in governing thalamic activity and behaviour. Presently the Laboratory of Thalamus Research aims to understand thalamic cell assemblies in the context of motor control, stress induced behavioral alterations and region specific cortical control of different thalamic nuclei. We place great emphasis on comparative work thus we systematically compare the equivalent regions of primate and rodent thalamus.
Application and impact:
By addressing the structural and functional organization of thalamocortical networks using both rodent and human material we contribute to the understanding of the biological bases of the major neurological (e.g. Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy) and neuropsychiatric (schizophrenia, PTSD) conditions affecting millions of people word wide.
Primary field of science:
8. Biological Sciences
Focusing on:
8.1. Biological sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2028
László Acsády, Head of the Thalamus Research Group and Deputy Director of HUN-REN IEM
MTA–HUN-REN KOKI "Momentum" Thalamus Research Group
Our research group combines approaches of economics, geography, network science and computational social science. We have developed a general framework of divergence and convergence in economic and social networks that can explain urban innovation as well as the dynamics of inequalities in cities.
In the Advanced Lendület project, we aim to explore missing causal relations between co-location, urban mobility, and information flows and the networked creation of knowledge and prosperity.
We will combine innovative survey application and data donation techniques with software version-control, urban mobility, online discussion, administrative, patent, and scientific publication datasets. The research will explore the temporal and spatial dimensions and the type of social interaction and model information diffusion in networks impacting groups, companies, neighbourhoods, and cities.
Application and impact:
Cities are home of diverse knowledge, mixing of which made cities the engines of scientific discovery and technological innovation. Yet, people have unequal access to the advantages of cities around the globe.
In this project, we aim to better understand how dynamics of spatial social interactions impact knowledge creation and inequality in cities.
Primary field of science:
9. Economics and Law - including Sociology, Demography and Political Sciences
Focusing on:
9.5. Social and economic geography
Particular area(s) of research:
Urban mobility, network dynamics, innovation diffusion, socio-economic segregation.
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2029
MTA–HUN-REN KRTK "Momentum" Agglomeration, Networks, and Innovation Research Group
The main focus of our research group is automorphic forms, both from the analytic (the sup-norm problem, the hyperbolic circle problem, restriction norm questions) and the algebraic aspects (p-adic Hodge theory, mod p principal series).
The research group consists of five mathematicians: the PI (full-time) and another senior member (part-time, department head at the Eötvös University), and three juniors: an internationally selected postdoc (full-time), and two Hungarian members (part-time, lecturers at the Technical University).
We organize weekly seminars at the Rényi Institute ("Automorphic Forms Seminar").
Application and impact:
This is pure (fundamental, basic) research, with the aim of developing scientific theories and understanding mathematics better, hence no direct application is expected. Our research projects belong to the international mainstream, so the ambitious impact would be inspiring further top-level research.
Primary field of science:
3. Mathematics
Focusing on:
3.1. Mathematics
Particular area(s) of research:
Autmorphic forms, which is mostly number theory, with connections to several other branches of mathematics (algebraic geometry, analysis on manifolds, complex analysis, graph theory, etc.).
Final month for hosting:
August 2028
Péter Maga (PI, Senior Research Fellow at the HUN-REN Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics), Gergely Zábrádi (Department Head of the Algebra and Number Theory Department at the Eötvös University)
Péter Maga:, Gergely Zábrádi:
MTA–HUN-REN RI "Momentum" Analytic Number Theory and Representation Theory Research Group
The Arithmetic Combinatorics research group seeks to introduce novel methods to solve problems of various types from Combinatorics, with an emphasis on problems of some arithmetic nature. Special attention is devoted to further applications of algebraic methods.
A central question to be investigated in the project is the following: How large can a subset of the group Z_m^n not containing any nontrivial k-term arithmetic progressions be? The case k>4 is wildly open, and even for k=3 a number of questions are still to be answered. Another main goal is trying to solve the Additive Basis Conjecture which asserts that for every prime p there is a constant c(p) such that the union of c(p) bases of F_p^n always contains an additive basis.
We also investigate problems about sumsets, representation functions and questions from arithmetic Ramsey theory.
Application and impact:
The algebraic techniques that we developed led to many applications in Combinatorics, Number Theory, Geometry, and also in Computer Science and Information Theory.
Primary field of science:
3. Mathematics
Focusing on:
3.1. Mathematics
Particular area(s) of research:
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2029
MTA–HUN-REN RI "Momentum" Arithmetic Combinatorics Research Group
Photosynthesis forms the basis of life on Earth. The Laboratory for Molecular Photobioenergetics investigates harnessing photosynthesis for renewable energy production, including electricity and hydrogen (H2). Biophotovoltaic (BPV) devices, utilizing algae to produce electrical current, represent an emerging biotechnological approach. The underlying mechanisms, particularly photosynthetic electron transport and exoelectrogenesis, remain understudied. We aim to bridge this gap and significantly improve BPV efficiency.
We also study H2 production by green algae, developing systems to enhance H2 yield and duration. Our protocol allows algae to produce H2 for several days in an oxygen-free environment under intense light. This unique metabolic state, where cells act as whole-cell catalysts, is largely uncharacterized. To understand the underlying adaptations, we employ a multidisciplinary approach, focusing on metabolomics, to develop new strategies for enhancing H2 production.
Application and impact:
Our research addresses the global challenge of transitioning to sustainable energy sources. By investigating biophotovoltaic (BPV) devices and hydrogen (H2) production by green algae, we aim to develop photosynthesis-based technologies for renewable energy generation.
Primary field of science:
8. Biological Sciences
Focusing on:
8.1. Biological sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Plant biology, photosynthesis, renewable energy production
Hungary, Szeged
Final month for hosting:
August 2029
MTA–HUN-REN SZBK "Momentum" Laboratory for Molecular Photobioenergetics
We use multidisciplinary approaches to identify the mechanisms involved in delivering various autophagic, crinophagic, endocytic, and phagocytic cargoes to lysosomes, and how lysosomal activity is regulated. Our core competencies include high-resolution microscopy, genetics, molecular cell biology, protein interaction studies, various omics approaches, and in vitro reconstitution of vesicle maturation.
Using the powerful animal model Drosophila enables us to study the importance of individual genes/proteins and specific molecular interactions on an organismal level. For example, we showed that autophagy maintains proteostasis and neural function and its defects cause ataxia and short lifespan (Genes Dev 2007, JCB 2013, Elife 2015), and we recently identified a special phagosome maturation process in glia that is required for the breakdown of dead neurons/axons and animal survival after nervous system injury (Nature Comm 2023).
Application and impact:
The Juhasz Group is exploring the molecular mechanisms of various lysosomal degradation and recycling pathways (autophagy, crinophagy, endocytosis, phagocytosis) in cultured human cells and Drosophila, and utilizing this animal model to reveal the in vivo role of these routes and relevant genes in physiology and disease settings.
Primary field of science:
8. Biological Sciences
Focusing on:
8.1. Biological sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Autophagy, crinophagy, endocytosis, lysosome, phagocytosis
Hungary, Szeged
Final month for hosting:
August 2028
MTA–HUN-REN SZBK "Momentum" Lysosomal Degradation Research Group
Scientific background:
Recent years have seen the emergence of an entirely new field in microbiology, the comprehensive characterization of the immune systems of bacteria and their relations to the viruses of bacteria, bacteriophages.
As with other areas of microbiology, these studies have overwhelmingly focused on a limited number of model organisms for which the proper culturing techniques and genetic tools have been developed. However, by studying only a small number of species, our knowledge regarding these systems suffers a great limitation.
Furthermore, often what is true for these species may not be the case for other, clinically, or environmentally important bacteria. In this regard, a great deal of knowledge is lost regarding the identification and functional characterization of unknown systems.
Application and impact:
Extensive track-record developing gene-editing tools for a wide range of different bacteria.
Primary field of science:
8. Biological Sciences
Focusing on:
5.4. Health biotechnology
Particular area(s) of research:
Gene Technology Research
Hungary, Szeged
Final month for hosting:
November 2027
MTA–HUN-REN SZBK Lendület "Momentum" Gene Technology Research Group
Scientific Background:
While the development of novel antibiotics has slowed down considerably over the years, and new broad-spectrum antibiotics are rarely discovered, the lack of recent pharmaceuticals has driven science and medicine towards the exploration of antibiotic combinations. Mapping the entire combination space of even a small number of antibiotics can be an arduous task, and examining a small number of antibiotics can only provide us with limited information. To explore the broader interactions of antibiotics (such as general interactions between antibiotic classes), the development of novel methodologies is necessary.
For that end, we are currently developing a novel technique that can reduce the number of needed measurements to explore the effects of drug combinations.
Application and impact:
Our group focuses on killing efficacy measurements of drug combinations, and we have developed dedicated instruments and software necessary to perform such measurements.
Primary field of science:
4. Agricultural Sciences
Focusing on:
5.4. Health biotechnology
Particular area(s) of research:
Development of novel antibiotics
Hungary, Szeged
Final month for hosting:
October 2027
MTA–HUN-REN SZBK Lendület "Momentum" Systems Biology of Antibiotic Action Research Group
The research group will construct an English-language; open access; global database as an accessible dataset to consider, how fundamental rights have been affected by enforceable legal norms; soft law documents; and judicial case law in the light of the rising social role of AI. The database will contain all relevant legal instruments enacted by international organisations and by the respective authorities of sovereign states. Then, focusing on the role of the judiciary, based on three case studies, we will elaborate innovative techniques of legal interpretation including judicial review tests on how to find a proper balance between fostering technological development and safeguarding fundamental rights. The three case studies will be the following: right to a fair trial (either in judicial and administrative proceedings); freedom of expression (with special regard to online platforms); right to a healthy environment (including the protection of natural resources.
Application and impact:
The research’s significance lies in the possibility of clarifying the uncertainties related to constitutional coverage of modern technology. Our database may facilitate further research contributing to the introduction of less-emphasized safeguards for the protection of fundamental rights in the period of algorithmic constitutionalism.
Primary field of science:
9. Economics and Law - including Sociology, Demography and Political Sciences
Focusing on:
9.3. Law
Particular area(s) of research:
Constitutional law
Law and technology; freedom of expression; right to a fair trial; right to a healthy environment
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2029
Boldizsár Szentgáli-Tóth, Senior Research Fellow, Principal Investigator of the research group
Primary email:
Secondary email:
MTA–HUN-REN TK "Momentum" Algorithmic Constitutionalism Research Group
The PRiSMa research group, launched in 2024, focuses on how political representation functions in a political communication environment dominated by social media. We examine the dynamics between institutional political actors and citizens, the responsiveness of political actors to the political activity expressed by citizens on social media, and non-electoral actors who effectively advocate for representational demands on these platforms.
We also pay attention to the new forms of political inequality that arise from the fact that political activity on social media can be intimidating for many people due to psychological or social reasons. Therefore, in exploring the patterns of political representation, we analyse the activities of both electoral and non-electoral political actors, as well as citizens' experiences, practices, and sentiments related to these dynamics. The research group consists of the PI, two senior researchers, two postdoctoral researchers, and four PhD students.
Application and impact:
We address the challenge of the crisis of political representation by examining the role social media can play in the representation process. Additionally, we focus on new types of political inequalities that may arise as a result of political actors being more responsive to claims made by those who are politically active on these platforms.
Primary field of science:
9. Economics and Law - including Sociology, Demography and Political Sciences
Focusing on:
9.4. Political Science
Particular area(s) of research:
political communication, political theory
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2029
MTA–HUN-REN TK "Momentum" PRiSMa Research Group
The digitalization of society has opened new areas and also new challenges for social science research. Digital space both reflects the social inequalities that exist in offline space and creates new cleavages between social groups. Data from the observation of digital behaviour and data generated by digitalisation can help us extend or refine our knowledge about how society is structured and works.
The goal of this research is to (1) create models which could predict social class purely from digital footprints of people by focusing on the digital behavioural differences of social groups defined by classical social structure theories, (2) detect new dimensions of social structure in the online space, with which existing theories could be extended or even new social stratification theories could be set, and (3) use digital, observational data to extend our knowledge about inequalities of between the different strata of the society.
Application and impact:
The goal of this research is to (1) create models which could predict social class purely from digital footprints of people, (2) detect new dimensions of social structure in the online space, and (3) use digital, observational data to extend our knowledge about inequalities. Overall, the research can add to the understanding of social inequality.
Primary field of science:
9. Economics and Law - including Sociology, Demography and Political Sciences
Focusing on:
9.2. Sociology
Particular area(s) of research:
computational social science, social inequality
Budapest, Hungary
Final month for hosting:
August 2027
MTA–HUN-REN TK Lendület "Momentum" Digital Social Science Research Group
The MOMENTUM project strives to forge the definitive account of the shifting global allegiances of the Visegrád countries in the post-war period (hence: V-SHIFT) by the most extensive data collection and analysis to date. It will systematically analyse multiple decades worth of textual sources to unearth the changing reception of global powers within domestic politics and media. It applies cutting-edge AI methodology to quantify and evaluate the presence of, and attitudes towards, global powers on the domestic policy agenda in V4 countries. V-SHIFT is a poltextLAB project, supported by the Institute for Political Science of Centre for Social Sciences.
Application and impact:
The project examines one of the most important turning points in the contemporary history of Central and Eastern Europe: the war in Ukraine and its impact on the power dynamics within the so-called Visegrád Group countries and their shifting relationship with global power blocks, notably with the EU, the United States, Russia and China.
Primary field of science:
9. Economics and Law - including Sociology, Demography and Political Sciences
Focusing on:
9.4. Political Science
Particular area(s) of research:
We apply cutting-edge AI methodology to quantify and evaluate the presence of, and attitudes towards, global powers on the domestic policy agenda in V4 countries.
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
August 2028
Sebők Miklós, principal investigator
Ring Orsolya, senior researcher
Sebők Miklós:
Ring Orsolya:
MTA–HUN-REN TK Lendület "Momentum" V-SHIFT Research Group
The research focus of the group is centred around exploring chemical solutions to access bioorthogonally activatable photolabile protecting groups. Such a combination of light as an external physical control element with internally applied chemical control based on bioorthogonal chemistry is envisioned to allow more precise spatiotemporal activation of chemotherapeutic drugs offering novel solutions in the field of targeted therapies.
Application and impact:
We are seeking chemical solutions to address current limitations in targeted drug delivery.
Primary field of science:
7. Chemical Sciences
Focusing on:
7.1. Chemical sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Chemical Biology
Budapest, Hungary
Final month for hosting:
August 2029
MTA–HUN-REN TTK Lendület "Momentum" Chemical Biology Research Group
The Rona lab seeks to gain a better understanding of the fundamental processes that maintain genomic integrity within our cells. DNA repair processes are crucial aspects of biology as mis-regulation of these mechanisms are often the driving force behind several types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases. By unravelling the underlying molecular mechanisms of these diseases, we aim to provide the foundation of novel therapeutic approaches. In our work we rely on genetic, biochemical, and proteomic approaches in mammalian cells as well as collaborations with structural biologists and mouse geneticists.
Application and impact:
Neurological disorders are a leading cause of disability and premature death, posing a major societal and economic burden. Our laboratory aims to uncover how DNA repair defects drive disease progression, enabling the development of presymptomatic treatments that address root causes of these diseases, rather than managing late-stage symptoms.
Primary field of science:
8. Biological Sciences
Focusing on:
8.1. Biological sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
DNA repair, genomic integrity maintenance, neurodegenerative diseases, Huntington’s disease, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
Hungary, Budapest
Final month for hosting:
November 2028
MTA–HUN-REN TTK Lendület "Momentum" DNA Repair Research Group
Tumor-derived extracellular vesicles (TEVs) are intensively studied participants influencing the tumor microenvironment. Among their molecular components, proteoglycans and glycoproteins play important roles in cell signalling, which is predominantly mediated by the structure of the glycan chains they carry. Our main goal is to apply sensitive analytical methods for the detailed structural characterization of carbohydrates present in EVs and to identify predictive glycan markers (N-glycopeptides and/or glycosaminoglycans) in circulating TEVs and to develop a molecular diagnostic method predicting resistance against immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in non-small cell lung cancer. Several methods and workflows will be developed/optimized using lung cancer cell lines and transferred to plasma TEV analysis. The research project is based on the application and further development of state-of-the-art analytical methods, like immune capture, chromatography and mass spectrometry.
Application and impact:
Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors have shown great promise to treat non-small cell lung cancer. However, treatment resistance frequently occurs. Therefore, a detailed investigation is of utmost importance to understand the underlying molecular alterations in order to avoid unnecessary treatment, and to identify predictive factors.
Primary field of science:
7. Chemical Sciences
Focusing on:
7.1. Chemical sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Chromatography, mass spectrometry, glycoanalytics
Budapest, Hungary
Final month for hosting:
August 2028
Lilla Turiák - senior research scientist, group leader
MTA–HUN-REN TTK Lendület "Momentum" Glycan Biomarker Research Group
Wetlands are complex habitats that harbour a multitude of species, all interacting in a complex ecological network. Among these interactions, vector-mediated dispersal plays a crucial role in the survival of species in fragmented wetland landscapes. Waterbirds are among the most important dispersal vectors for various organisms in freshwater ecosystems. Our research group focuses on the crucial role of waterbirds in maintaining the biodiversity and ecological integrity of wetlands. In particular, we study the dispersal interactions mediated by waterbirds with plants, invertebrates, microbiomes and pathogens.
These key groups form the basis for our studies. We also investigate how these different levels of interaction influence each other — both in individual waterbirds and in wetland ecosystems. This approach aims to uncover the interconnected dynamics that determine the health and resilience of wetlands.
Application and impact:
Wetlands are rich habitats where different species live in intricate networks. Waterbirds act as important dispersal vectors and ensure the survival of species in fragmented landscapes. Our research focuses on the dispersal of plants, invertebrates, microbiomes and pathogens mediated by waterbirds.
Primary field of science:
8. Biological Sciences
Focusing on:
8.1. Biological sciences
Particular area(s) of research:
Plant-Animal Interactions, Dispersal interactions, Disease ecology
Debrecen, Hungary
Final month for hosting:
August 2029