HUN-REN Centre for Ecological Research

Partner introduction:
Our main mission is to conduct high-quality research on biodiversity and ecosystems, including aquatic and terrestrial life. Our centre is primarily dedicated to ecological research, but many of our studies are related to the impact of agriculture and forestry on biodiversity, traditional ecological knowledge or interdisciplinary topics.
We are working hard to integrate institutes and disciplines, as it is difficult to tackle complex environmental challenges in isolation. In addition to research, we are committed to building bridges between science and society, and thus are involved in EU and global policy development.
Eligible Momentum Research Groups (Potential Hosts)
These groups' research lifecycles align with the Programme, and they are eligible for EC funding and may serve as hosts if they choose to participate.
MTA–HUN-REN ÖK Lendület "Momentum" Dispersal Ecology Research Group; MTA–ÖK Lendület "Momentum" Fluvial Ecology Research Group
Implementing Partners