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The Momentum MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme (Momentum PPDF) is an initiative designed to attract and nurture up to 35 exceptional postdoctoral researchers from around the globe to “Lendület”, Momentum research groups in Hungary.

The primary objectives of this programme are to: 1) provide postdoctoral researchers with the opportunity to further develop their careers within the dynamic research environment of "Lendület" research groups; 2) enhance the international visibility and impact of the "Lendület" Programme; 3) foster the growth of robust research, development, and innovation RDI ecosystems at the local, regional, and international levels; and 4) strengthen interdisciplinary collaboration and cooperation among researchers across various fields and sectors.

About “Lendület,” Momentum:
“Lendület,” Momentum, is a flagship research program of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), supporting top scientists in establishing independent research groups with full autonomy. Launched in 2009, it has supported over 225 research groups across diverse fields, fostering innovation and scientific discovery.
Co-Funding Excellence: The Momentum MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme is co-funded by the European Commission and the Secretariat of MTA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, under the prestigious Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions grant. This 5-year initiative offers unparalleled opportunities for career advancement and scientific excellence.
  • International mobility
    Broaden your horizons with opportunities for fellowship and secondment(s) at leading Hungarian and international research centres, academic and industrial partners.
  • Safe and accessible
    Hungary is known for its welcoming environment, offers accessible healthcare, an emphasis on public safety, and a cost of living that is often considered affordable. It offers a favourable destination for researchers and their families seeking a comfortable and enriching experience.
  • Personal and professional development
    Invest in your personal and professional growth with a development package tailored to your unique needs. This includes expert supervision, coaching, and access to a range of opportunities, such as specialized training, interdisciplinary workshops, and networking events. These experiences will enhance your versatility and prepare you for a successful career in academia or other fields.
  • Diverse research areas
    From Engineering & Technology, Humanities, and Medical Sciences to Natural and Social Sciences, Momentum MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme supports a broad spectrum of disciplines within “Lendület” Momentum Research Groups.
  • Will fellows be required to present their work at conferences or workshops?
    All fellows are required to actively participate in at least two relevant international conferences during the fellowship, which includes presenting their research findings through poster sessions or oral presentations. More details are available under Become a Fellow, Dissemination and Exploitation Activities section of our website.
  • How long is the fellowship program?
    The fellowships have a duration of 12 to 36 months, with a preference for fellowship periods of 2 to 3 years to maximize the availability and use of positions. As a Premium Fellowship Programme, the longer grant period offers opportunity to conduct high-quality research and achieve substantial professional development.
  • Are there specific institutions or partners involved in these programs?
    For a detailed list of specific institutions and partners involved in the Programme, please refer to the Partner section on our website.
  • Are there mentorship or networking opportunities for fellows during their stay?
    During the Programme fellows receive comprehensive support, including expert supervision, mentoring, coaching, and access to specialized training, interdisciplinary workshops, and networking events.
  • Are fellows allowed to collaborate with external organizations or institutions during the fellowship?
    Fellows are expected to dedicate their time primarily to their research projects in Momentum MSCA Programme. They may have part-time involvement in other projects for personal or professional reasons, such as starting a company, pursuing additional research projects, or engaging in advanced studies unrelated to the Momentum MSCA Programme, provided these activities do not interfere with their training. Overall, fellows must maintain a minimum commitment of 50% to their research project. The programme includes a mandatory secondment of 1 to 3 months at associated partner organizations, fostering collaboration and enhancing the fellows' research experience.
  • Will fellows have access to alumni networks or other professional communities during or after completing the fellowship?
    One notable example is the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA), where we encourage all participants to become members. The MCAA serves as a vibrant network for MSCA alumni, providing opportunities for collaboration, career development, and engagement in shaping science policy across Europe.
  • What is the specific research or project expectations for fellows during the program?
    Fellows are encouraged to contact and discuss specific research objectives with the Principal Investigator (PI) of the research group they are interested in joining.
  • What types of research areas are supported by the fellowships?
    The Fellowship Programme encompasses a wide range of research areas, covering all fields represented by the participating Momentum research groups. This diversity fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation among fellows, enhancing their research experience and professional development.
  • Can I maintain my existing research grants or apply for new grants while participating in the Programme?
    Please note that joining the Programme requires a full-time employment contract and a commitment to relocate and change your place of residence to Hungary. Any conflicting or jeopardizing agreements must be flagged at the time of application. Researchers may pursue supplementary activities, provided no conflict of interest exists. These activities can include personal or family commitments, starting a company, pursuing another research project, or engaging in advanced studies unrelated to the Momentum MSCA Programme. However, it is essential that these activities do not jeopardize the training activities funded under the Programme. Researchers must maintain a minimum commitment of 50% to their primary project.
  • Can I apply for the fellowship if I have already completed a postdoctoral program elsewhere?
    Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria can apply during each call for the Programme.
  • Are there any language requirements for applying to the fellowship?
    The application must be submitted in English. Colleagues in your host research group will be able to communicate effectively in English. Although Hungarian is the most widely spoken language in the host country, English is commonly used in academic and professional environments. A good command of English is required to succeed in the application and selection process, as well as to ensure effective communication within the research group.
  • Can I apply if I am currently participating in another MSCA postdoctoral fellowship?
    Overlapping grants under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions are not permitted. Participation in the Programme is allowed only if any other MSCA postdoctoral fellowship concludes prior to joining the host research group. Otherwise, researchers will be required to choose between the grants, as only one MSCA-funded project can be pursued at a time.
  • How many times can I apply for the Programme?
    Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria can apply during each call for the Programme.
  • What are the steps involved in the application process?
    To apply, select the research group you are interested in, contact the designated supervisor, and follow the instructions provided in the application guide.
  • Is there an application deadline for each call?
    For information regarding application deadlines for each call, please refer to the 'Key Dates' and 'Application' section on our webpage.
  • What is the monthly stipend or salary offered as part of the fellowship?
    The fellowship offers a super gross salary of €3,980, which amounts to a gross monthly salary of €3,522. For more information, please refer to the 'Remuneration and Working Conditions' section on our website.
  • Is financial assistance available for attending conferences, workshops, or other professional development opportunities?
    Professional development is a key element of the programme. Fellows will receive both financial support and professional guidance to participate in conferences, workshops, and other opportunities that enhance their academic and career growth.
  • How are taxes handled for international fellows, and is there assistance available for tax matters?
    Hungarian tax regulations apply to all fellows. The host institution provides support with tax registration and the annual taxation process if needed.
  • Are there additional financial incentives, such as travel allowances or research funding?
    The fellowship includes several additional financial incentives: Mobility allowance of €150 gross per month for all postdoctoral fellows, Based on eligibility: One-time relocation allowance of up to €3,600 gross Family allowance of €300 gross per month, and Special needs allowance determined on a case-by-case basis. For more information, please refer to the 'Remuneration and Working Conditions' section on our website.
  • Are there any cultural integration programs or language courses provided for international fellows?
    For additional details regarding culture and language courses, please check the Euraxess website: Access to the culture of the host country/language courses | EURAXESS
  • Will I have access to work-life balance support and flexible working conditions?
    Fellows will be assured access to flexible working hours and the option to work remotely based on the host institution’s internal regulations. Through continuous monitoring, we ensure that they remain aligned with the operational requirements of the host research groups and do not hinder the successful execution of the project.
  • Is there assistance for finding accommodation in Hungary?
    Please examine the most frequently utilized online resources for real estate and rental platforms here: Accommodation in Hungary | EURAXESS and selected fellows will have access to more information in our Welcome Package.
  • Will the fellowship cover relocation expenses to Hungary?
    According to the Relocation Allowance Guideline, fellows are eligible for a one-time payment of up to €3,600. This amount will be disbursed after the first three months of the fellowship have been completed, along with the salary applicable at that time. Please read Relocation Allowance Guideline under the Remuneration and Working Conditions section.
  • Is healthcare coverage provided during the fellowship in Hungary?
    Employment enables individuals to register with the National Health Insurance Fund (NEAK), thereby obtaining a healthcare card. This card provides access to public medical services. Furthermore, individuals retain the option to pursue private medical care at their own expense.
  • What is the process for obtaining a visa or residence permit for Hungary?
    Detailed information on entry conditions to Hungary can be found on the website of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing. Additionally, the Secretariat of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA Secretariat) will provide assistance to all candidates who successfully pass the evaluation and selection process.
  • What level of proficiency in Hungarian (if any) is expected, and are language courses provided?
    There is no requirement for applicants to speak Hungarian. However, those interested in learning the language can explore available courses through Euraxess Language Courses page.
  • What are the procedures for monitoring progress and evaluating fellows’ performance during the program?
    Scientific findings must be shared through high-impact journals, conferences, and academic events. See the Dissemination and Exploitation Activities section on our webpage for details. Momentum ("Lendület") research groups regularly present their progress, scientific advancements, research findings, and publications both in written reports and through formal evaluations before a committee. This ensures accountability, tracks research impact, and supports the dissemination of knowledge within the academic community. Fellows will collaborate with their primary supervisors—and, if applicable, co-supervisors and coaches—to develop a Career Development Plan (CDP). This plan will outline research objectives, discipline-specific training, and local and network-wide sessions focused on transferable skills. It will also include a selection of international conferences and stakeholder events. Fellows must identify relevant events from this list and actively participate in at least two to present and promote their research.
  • Does the host institution offer office space, administrative support, or IT services?
    Becoming a member of a Momentum Research Group hosted by one of the implementing partners will have access to necessary infrastructure and support systems to facilitate their work. At the host level, researchers will be supported by the administrative staff of the organisations: local departments will be involved to provide support in employment issues (concluding the employment contract), taxation, social security, financial management and administration or IPR management etc.
  • Are secondment opportunities available, and how are they arranged?
    Fellows will have the unrestricted flexibility to exercise their choice in selecting secondment opportunities available at Associated Partners of the Programme. The academic and non-academic host institutions for secondments will be discussed and aligned between the fellow and supervisor, and will be included and recorded in the Career Development Plan (CDP), based on the fellow's needs.
  • Can fellows initiate secondments with institutions outside Hungary or within their home country?
    Secondment and interdisciplinary training opportunities will be offered by a wide and evolving range of Implementing and Associated partners in Hungary and abroad. Please note that becoming an Associated Partner requires a formal Partnership Agreement to be signed prior to accepting fellows for secondments.
  • Are there specific partner institutions or organizations already affiliated with the program?
    For information regarding secondment partners, please refer to Implementing Partners and ‘Associated Partners section on our website.
  • What financial or logistical support is available for secondment-related travel or accommodations?
    The host institution receives funding to cover all costs associated with secondments.
  • How are supervisors assigned?
    Fellows are typically supervised by the principal investigators of the research groups they join.
  • Are there mechanisms to resolve conflicts or issues that arise with supervisors?
    Each host institute has a defined escalation process for conflict resolution, typically involving leadership or HR to address and resolve issues effectively.
  • What are the expectations for supervision meetings?
    Selected fellows will collaborate with their primary supervisors at the Momentum host institution to jointly prepare a Career Development Plan (CDP). If applicable, co-supervisors and coaches, mentors from academic or non-academic partners may also provide input. Based on the CPD, supervision typically involves weekly or bi-weekly meetings to ensure consistent guidance and support.

Momentum MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme?

Call 1 opens for applications: 
April 2nd, 2025

Call 1 application deadline: 
May 31st, 2025


Call 1 evaluation and selection period:

June 1st, 2025 – August 30th, 2025

Next webinar for prospective candidates: 
April 16th, 2025, Zoom

Fellowship start date (anticipated): 
January 5th, 2026

Key Dates

Programme Duration:

1 January 2025 – 31 December 2029


Fellowship duration:

Up to 36 months including mandatory short-term secondments (1-3 months).


Location: Hungary


EU Project Call: HORIZON-MSCA-2023-COFUND-01


Reference number: 101179854


This programme is supported by the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). It is co-funded by the European Commission and the Secretariat of the MTA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Programme Management:

The Programme is coordinated by the Momentum PPDF Office of Department of Grant Management, at Secretariat of MTA, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

Key Programme Facts

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